January : 2 day R & D with Growoski practitioner Oscar Zito Chisenhale Dance Space London, UK
February : Work-in-progress showing for A Night Of... The Blue Room Theatre Perth, Australia
April : Month long residency at Clarence Mews Hackney, UK
August : Participated in The Palace Arts Piotrowice Nyskie, Poland
A new partnership between Laura Hopwood and Danielle Stagg.
Two women who grew up either side of a forest, then opposites sides of an ocean.
holocene: a collaboration, a celebration, a commemoration.
The Forager's Meal
The bees are dead, the tides have risen, and the sky is mostly smog but we still gather for the last supper at the end of the world.
The Forager's Meal is a communal ritual and durational performance where the audience is invited to partake in a last supper to mourn, and prepare for, the Earth's last harvest.
Untitled Medeia project
Exploration of the untold, seeking out story behind the story.
This project is currently in a year long lab of exploration through physicality, sound and image.